At Bridges, children learn at their own pace, guided by specially trained teachers. We help each student realize their greatest intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, and aesthetic growth.
Our curriculum incorporates the world-renowned work of Dr. Maria Montessori, who recognized children’s innate need for individualized, sequenced learning designed around successive and critical development stages.
Our classrooms are carefully prepared to encourage self-directed exploration and maximize learning experiences, and they’re characterized by an orderly arrangement of sequential learning materials that are developmentally appropriate and naturally appealing. Each subject area has hands-on, experiential, and self-correcting materials that spark children’s curiosity to learn.
Outdoor lessons help children explore, observe, experiment, and conserve, as well as boost understanding and appreciation for the complexity and interdependence of our living world.
Tools and manipulative materials represent all types of quantities and lead children through a logical thought process, from concrete to abstract, to understand the basic operations of mathematics.
Hands-on interaction with materials and activities stimulates sensory discovery and description, while exploiting the child’s natural desire to explore, classify, and order their surroundings.
Exercises designed to facilitate hand-eye coordination, small muscle control, and spatial relationships.
At Bridges, each infant is nurtured as a unique individual, encouraged to explore in a beautiful and safe space, at their own pace.
Our toddler space promotes exploration, independence, order, and freedom of choice and movement.
Our primary spaces are warm and secure, designed to meet individual developmental needs at every stage.
Through hands-on and experiential learning, we inspire children to become lifelong learners, balanced individuals, and participating citizens.